2010年5月21日 星期五

Building Business with E-mail Newsletters

Give Your Readers Useful Information
A newsletter should follow the basic rules of good conversational form. If you were meeting face-to-face with one of your newsletter’s recipients, would you use that opportunity to tell him/her about the benefits your business/product provide (including sponsorships, partnerships, etc.), or just brag about how great you are? If you involve your readers by offering solutions that can make them more efficient, successful or leadingedge, they’ll want to know more and welcome future newsletters. At the same time, convey a sense of urgency to act upon the information your readers are being given. The most effective newscasters create the impression that the information they’re delivering is absolutely essential to the well-being of their audience. Do likewise with your newsletter.

Build Community
The recipients of your newsletter want to feel that they’re members of a select group who are getting privileged information, which will help them keep ahead of the curve or gain a competitive advantage. Address that unspoken need by establishing your newsletter as this group’s definitive “voice.” Establish an identity with a specific point of view, and reinforce it throughout. Including such elements as a regular expert’s column, meet-the customer profile and other similar items will connect members of your target market with each other and with your company.



"In addition, include a brief survey in your newsletter on a quarterly basis. This will deliver insight into your readers’ interests and help you further personalize your message. Keep the survey short (10 questions, maximum) to overcome the reader’s resistance to respond. The more you can tailor your newsletter to each recipient, the better chance you have of getting or keeping that person or business as a customer."
- Building Business with E-mail Newsletters | Evok Orlando Advertising Agency | Orlando Marketing (在「Google 網頁註解」中檢視)

